
Game Color Auxiliar Vallejo Paint


Vallejo paints.

SKU: VALLGAMCOL-2-1-1 Categories: , , , Tags: , , ,


Game Color Wash is the range of colors for wash effects and techniques on figures. They can also be used on other supports and comes with a new formulation that improves the capillary properties of the product.

A wash is a transparent and very liquid acrylic color, and is usually used for shading techniques on figures and vehicles, and also allows glazing and filter effects to be created on other colors in the range.

Instructions for use: The colors have been formulated for application with a brush, but can also be used with an airbrush.

Additional information

Weight 30 g

70521 – Auxiliares – Medium Metálico, 70596 – Auxiliares – Medium Veladuras, 71261 – Auxiliares – Diluyente Aerógrafo, 72650 – Auxiliares – Barniz Brillante, 72651 – Auxiliares – Barniz Mate, 72652 – Auxiliares – Barniz Satinado, 72653 – Auxiliares – Barniz Ultra Mate