A Song of Ice and Fire Small Ruler


Templates for “A Song Of Ice and Fire”


A Small Ruler designed for use with “A Song of Ice and Fire”

This ruler is designed to make precision moves in your games of “A Song of Ice and Fire.” (ASoIaF)

Each ruler is made from high-quality acrylic material, providing durability and clarity for easy measurement during gameplay. What’s more, you have the flexibility to customize various aspects of the rulers to suit your preferences. You can choose the colour combination, the acrylic (first) and the paint color (second) for the markings, and even personalize the rulers with the logo of your favourite faction from the game. check colors at https://www.customeeple.com/materials/

With these custom rulers, you can enhance your gaming experience by adding a personal touch while ensuring accuracy and precision in your measurements. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, these rulers will prove to be invaluable tools for managing movement, distances, and other crucial aspects of gameplay.

Material: Methacrylate of different colours painted by hand appropriately.

Thickness: 3 mm

Size: 1inch by 2 inches

Quantity: 1 ruler

Use: In-game ruler

A Song of Ice and Fire is a game published by CMON Games. Customeeple is not affiliated with this company, and they do not endorse this product.

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